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December 29, 2008



I'm a fan of old postcards! Thank you for sharing!


I love old postcards. Very cool!

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What an amazing way to treat all recipients of a special note!


Oh how beautiful, I love this so much!

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awesome, i'm just can say AWESOME!!!!!!! I can't remember the last time that i read a good and interesting stuff like this!!!!
it's a great thing to know about some people that still cares of us the readers, i mean, some people only wants to write about some stupid sh*t and treat the readers like we have nothing but air in our heads, i'm glad to see you're one of the others, the people who cares about a good substance content in their blogs, very nice of your part, thanks!!!!


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Hope you have a lovely holiday and that the sun shines every day. I hope this card like every one .

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This is Lenna I saw this on the blog must come to see . Wow! I love this look! Thank you for sharing, and your work is excellent

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