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March 28, 2009


Jonathan flights

Good thing that's the effect for you. When I read travel magazines it makes me feel depressed. Wishing that I could go to the place and skulking in my room because I can't.

Get Togetha

I agree. Just because we don't have the money doesn't mean we can' indulge in a escapism. Sometimes dreaming about the unimaginable works in our favor and magazines help in that department.


Let's hear it for Escapism!!
I'm way guilty of too much internet traveling .. . I bookmark this hotel and that castle rental : Just In Case.

Such a lovely blog .. . I shall return!


pink to green

The best thing about arm chair travel is that you can visit all three places in one day! Beautiful images!


Oh I must get this!

Nox Edge

Would that I were there to feel it...

bio-identical hormone replacement

ry and use free weights if possible.

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