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June 02, 2009



Happy Birthday Brit! Sounds like the perfect way to celebrate!!


What a fabulous place to turn 30...BA is easily one of my favorite cities!


Happy Birthday!!!!!!
Theo is a keeper!!!


Congratulations. 30 is better then 20....Buenos Aires! What recession? glad you are doing well...


Friends of mine got back from there recently and could not stop raving about it! Such a cosmopolitan city and much less expensive than Europe these days... So envious ( of your trip AND your age...enjoy it all!)


That picture of you is soooo cute. And I seriously took that exact same sidewalk picture! Nice shots.

pam Zsori

so sweet! happy b-day! oh these pics look fabulous! would love to know more - where did you stay, etc


Happy 30th! As they say, the best is yet to come!


30, flirty and thriving! I am jealous you got to travel to Buenos Aires. It is at the top of my list places to see!


happy birthday!!! arent you lucky :D


what a great bday!! i hope to do the same for my 30th!

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Is it possible to get Adderall in Buenos Aires with a prescription/ call from a doctor

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What a great way to celebrate your birthday. Congratulations! God bless.


Britt, Happy 30 + 1!! Also, happy very belated Mother's Day! With love + kisses, Buwon

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Very cool pictures!

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Great pics of 30 in Buenos Aires,.
Looking all are very nice,.


BA is one of the pretty places in the world and also my favorite.You celebrated a beautiful event in a beautiful place.You really had real fun .

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Great collections...i also have some nice picture,will be post next time here....Nice sharing...keep it up

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Hi Brit,
Belated happy birthday as just found your blog while doing some online work. Do share some pastry and coffee recipes with us. I am looking for some pastry recipes for my 3 years old daughter.


Happy 30th birthday! This had to be fun!

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Switzerland is one of my favorite country because of its beauty . What about your beautiful place .

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